Spatial Design

Dutch Design Daily

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Marlies Thomassen Interieurontwerp marliesthomassen.nl

Marlies Thomassen

By 08-04-2018

Marlies Thomassen creates interior designs that offer a clear brand experience. She does this by translating the brand essence and values into the spaces she designs. When people are in this environment they are inspired by directly interacting with the brand, enabling them to perform better and therefore making them happier. As a client, Marlies takes you with her through all stages of the design process, from the first pencil stroke on a blank piece of paper until the final tangible result: an inspiring place, where people connect with your brand. And when they leave, they take a piece of that brand with them.

Guts & Entrepreneurship (Utrecht)
More and more people switch from working for a boss to building their own businesses. This new wave of entrepreneurs is personally involved to make their product or services stand out from the crowd, and they desire a working environment that reflects this. They feel at home in a space that inspires and triggers their creativity, and that is different from the other places in the area. This co-working space in Utrecht is designed to get you excited to create new business, encounter like-minded people and develop that game-changing plan that is going to make the difference. Whether this is just over a coffee or in a full day session is completely up to you!