Product Design

Dutch Design Daily

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Block www.meetblock.com


By 03-12-2017

At the end of 2016, Block, a Faraday cage in which smartphones have no signal, was introduced as a new tool to be used at home, at work, in restaurants and at various other places.

Block has a simple proposition: more attention for each other by shielding people from their smartphones. Research has increasingly often shown us that the excessive use of the smartphone has a negative impact on both our physical and our social health. And until now we still seem to find it difficult to resist the addictive effect of the smartphone.

In 2018, immediately after the introduction of Block, the concept was internationally picked up by Wallpaper*, TechCrunch, GQ Magazine, Fashion Beans, The Guardian, The Gourmet Traveller and others. Nationally, the concept was also given the appropriate publicity by FD, NRC, Trouw, the Telegraaf, Radio1, Bright and others. Apart from the commotion in the media, enough pre-orders were received after the launch, which meant that the development of BLOCK could be continued.

In the beginning of 2018, Block will be launched as a ‘batch 1’ at a price of 99 Euros each. The pre-orders are delivered with this batch. Following this, the second batch won’t be long in coming.

Pre-orders can still be placed through the website: meetblock.com

Photos: Bart Oomes, Team Block