
Dutch Design Daily

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Dana Dijkgraaf www.danadijkgraaf.nl

Gifst Unwrapped!

By 02-11-2022

Winner Bronze – European Design Awards 2022
Category Exhibition Design

All around the world people give presents, at birthday parties, weddings or at offerings. What is the secret of a good gift? And what do you do if you don’t like a gift? Can you say so, or is that inappropriate? Dutch people even ask for the receipt, but would someone do that in Japan, for example?

Gifst Unwrapped! (in Dutch Cadeau, hoezo?) is a colorful, lavish and interactive exhibition about the art of giving. In the exhibition you can discover what a wedding dress, dolls and mangoes have in common. Every area in the exhibition has its own stories, objects and its own visual sphere. It all matches really well together, but as a visitor it is clear when the theme of a space in the exhibition is changed. The exhibition is developed for families, and consists of a wonderful remix of interactive elements, videos, objects and of course, stories. It all together gives a broad inside in the world of giving.

Dana Dijkgraaf: “Gifst Unwrapped! is an exhibition that focuses on giving and receiving gifts. With a great team, we created a colorful, inspiring and interactive exhibition. As a graphic designer, I provided the graphic layer in the exhibition. The exhibition design was created by Maison the Faux. And for the 3D prints we collaborated with Carol Civre from New York.”

Exhibition Gifst Unwrapped!
Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam
Until 15 January, 2023

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