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buro RuSt www.burorust.nl

GSA Action Book

By 13-04-2021

Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSA) are student groups who promote that everyone at school should feel the freedom to be themselves without feeling ashamed, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity is.

For the past years buro RuSt has developed a variety of GSA materials, including campaigns for Purple Friday and Day of Silence. The number of GSA’s at schools has greatly increased, and almost all secondary schools participate in Purple Friday.

buro RuSt: “The students indicated that the existing GSA manual for the teachers actually contained more useful information for them than the publication for students. So we made a new book. One big fluorescent action book with tips, experiences, pictures, campaigning ideas, lists, educational material, etcetera. And, in the same cover, a small LGBTQ+ dictionary. All designed with the purpose to make a bold book you want to keep forever.”

Website: gsanetwerk.nl

More buro RuSt > 11.02.2021