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Ronald Carpentier

Ronald Carpentier

By 28-06-2019

ONE WEEK ABOUT Creative Heroes Award 2019

Being mentally alert yet unable to communicate with your loved ones can be extremely frustrating. A solution must be found for that, thought Ronald Carpentier of MindAffect. Together with his team, he designed the first Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for so-called locked-in patients. These are people who, due to ALS or a stroke, among other things, are completely paralysed, unable to talk and, because of their inability to control their muscles, have difficulty communicating their needs and emotions. With the breakthrough technology that detects brain waves, the BCI enables people to communicate with their environment in a simple way. 

Jury:‘A special project. MindAffect enables people with the locked-in syndrome to communicate with the outside world.’

Winner Creative Heroes Award 2019
Category 1:1 Award