Dutch Design Daily

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Lucas Berghoef www.lucasberghoef.com

Visual design by Lucas Berghoef

By 08-01-2018

Visual designer & art director Lucas Berghoef is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With a broad interest in both traditionally printed and digital media he designs recognizable, stylish visual identities, posters and magazines. That’s not all: he also designs catchy and user-friendly websites and apps. By applying this wide working area, he makes sure that the unique aspects of the working method of both media reinforce one another and continue making the job of ‘designer’ for him a stimulating and challenging one.

He creates designs for his clients as well as tutorials and experiments in his (sparse) spare time. The key elements in these designs are depth and contrast. By experimenting with conspicuous contrasts in typography and color, he manages to make gripping designs with a depth that catches and holds the eye of the spectator. He feels especially attached to the design aesthetics of Dutch Design because of its minimalist and experimental aspects. It stands to reason that these two factors are also reflected in the larger part of his work.