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70% Bar www.facebook.com/thefatponyrestaurant/

The Fat Pony

By 24-11-2016

A contemporary horsemeat restaurant during Dutch Design Week 2016.

Nowadays, do we even know what we’re eating exactly? Because of the massive scale of the food industry, it is hard to find out. A climax was reached with the ‘horse meat scandal’. Horse meat turned out to be secretly incorporated without this being stated on the packaging. Now, horse has become a piece of meat shrouded in controversy. But is that justified?

Who wants to eat more consciously, can just eat horse. It’s lean meat, rich in iron and other minerals. Moreover, there are no horses bred for slaughter in the Netherlands. A horse that is not eaten, ends up in the destructor.

During the Dutch Design Week 2015, 70% Bar opened a restaurant where the overconsumption was critically looked at for the first time. 2016 is the year of The Fat Pony and the focus is not on the quantity, but on the quality of our food.

For The Fat Pony, 70% Bar collaborated with third year students of the Fontys Acadamy for Art, Communication and Design Tilburg. Together they researched the combination ‘horse’ + ‘restaurant’. Fieldwork was literally carried out, this ranged from the pony’s in the pasture, but also to the boning of a horse at the butcher. In addition, we had workshops from design studio Catalogtree, chef Tom Buiting and theater director Lisah Baert. All this comes together in the horse meat restaurant The Fat Pony.

70% Bar
Fontys Acadamy for Art, Communication and Design Tilburg