Between Shore and Ship

Temporary Art Centre

Exhibition | Craft | International | Material

As a South African immigrant in The Netherlands, Pascale Theron is a modern nomad, in the search for ‘home’.

Tussen Wal en Schip (Between Shore and Ship) is a solo-exhibition that mirrors her position in the world. It narrates, using illustrations, textile artworks, handmade crafts, and videos, depicting the identity crisis of a modern white South African trying to settle overseas. It captures the familiar notions of ‘home’ and brings awareness to the effect that European colonialism had on South Africa.

The exhibition was created by Pascale Theron (artist/designer) and Millie Herpin (set design)

Exhibition ‘Tussen Wal en Schip’
Temporary Art Centre (TAC)
Vonderweg 1, Eindhoven
from 11 June, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday
reservations via

Photos: Almicheal Fraay

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