In a formerly industrial location in Hellevoetsluis, where an old rubber factory still stands, De Zwarte Hond has realised a school with a rugged character that is rooted in the history of its site.
De Samenstroom is a compact and detailed building, designed from the child’s perspective. At the centre of the school is its ‘heart’: a large interior courtyard in which the team space, library and learning environments are located. The space is multifunctional and is used after lessons for after-school care. There is room for large-scale celebrations, with the stairs functioning as a podium.
A special feature of the assignment was its innovative educational vision. The chosen design has no classroom divisions. The classes are collected into ‘clusters’ of 75 children and three teachers. In this kind of set-up, the children have greater opportunities to choose their personal learning path. Due to the large spaces, the spans of the floors are large. This provides maximum flexibility. If necessary, a learning cluster can easily be housed in three traditional classrooms.
This attention to the indoor environment and health is also apparent from the abundance of daylight in the school, the fact that windows can be opened everywhere, the numerous places where children can play both indoors and outdoors, the stimulation of bicycle use and the frequent use of greenery in the garden – and on the roof.
Photography Scagliola Brakkee