GLUE amsterdam – First day report

GLUE amsterdam

Event | Exhibition | Product

Report by Aldana Paula Alegre – project manager GLUE

It was a really good first day. I could make a short but solid first design route visiting some locations on the sorroundings. I had a nice welcoming with coffee from Davide and Kathleen at The Shop of Beautiful Things, where I could touch, see and get to know the story behind international designers from The Netherlands, Croatia, Brussels, Spain and UK. For sure beautiful products to see.

Just few minutes walking from that place, Peter van de Water received me in his studio/showroom with the people from Cascando brand. Nice people, nice products, nice location! Peter’s relaxed mood feats just perfect with his backyard and the way he thinks and does his designs. Leon and the rest of the team of Cascando are very welcoming, so if you’d like to know a bit more of high quality and innovative design for sure a must stop on your design route.

Cocoon House, just crossing the canal, has a location with a humble door but a surprising indoors, is such a wonderful showroom for vintage lovers. Sander interior designer and owner from it, received me as it first visitor during GLUE with an enthusiastic spirit for be participating for the second time in GLUE. He and Ella are very happy to received anyone and present their 70’/90′ stylish collection which is perfectly mixed with contemporary design.

GLUE TV was just a success! All the GLUE team as well as participants and interviewers were very excited about going live on SALTO TV and on live streaming on Instagram, YouTube and our official website.

And to finish a wonderful live talk at Pakhuis de Zwijger with great designers and creatives from different fields such as Lyongo Juliana, Maria Blaisse, Mina Abouzahra, Amanda Pinatih, Guillaume Philibert, Xander Slager, and Maru Asmellash. A very inspiring debate for us, the young generation, and I bet for experienced people in the field also is good to hear some different perspectives.

Now it’s time to enjoy some evening drinks and get some rest for the second day of GLUE amsterdam connected by!

GLUE amsterdam connected by design
Thursday 16, Friday 17, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 September 2021

The Shop of Beautiful Things – Davide and Kathleen
Peter van de Water – Cascando
Peter van de Water – Garden
Cocoon House – Sander and Ella
Live Talk ‘The City is Ours?’ – GLUE X Pakhuis de Zwijger
Live Talk ‘The City is Ours?’ – GLUE X Pakhuis de Zwijger

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GLUE amsterdam connected by design

GLUE amsterdam

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GLUE amsterdam

Event | Material

GLUE amsterdam – Second day

GLUE amsterdam

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