What is good design? Graphic designer Stephanie van der Harst asks herself this question in her self-designed and self-produced book ‘Goed’.
Stephanie graduated last year from the Department of Graphic Design at St. Joost Academy in Breda. Stephanie: “During my studies, I often wondered what the graphic design profession actually involves and especially how big my part as a graphic designer will be once I’ve finished my studies. I kept asking myself what it is that makes a design a good design. Why does one design do the trick while the other doesn’t – what is good design?”
The publication ‘Goed.’ describes her search for the answer to this question. With this project, she doesn’t only want to trigger the discussion about the essentials of good graphic design, but also to encourage designers to form a critical opinion about their profession and to provide an impetus to a more effective way of working.
The publication can be read at www.hbo-kennisbank.nl