


In 2014 the Rotterdam-based design bureau OD developed the magazine ‘ODZine’ and an annex which is for 100% dedicated to the ideology of depth psychologist Carl Jung. OD used his archetypes to develop market strategies on the basis of a creative engagement.

For this annex, twelve illustrators have cooperated in the creation of twelve unique illustrations depicting the twelve archetypes of Jung. After a compact briefing – meaning of the archetype, color use and application – each illustrator was given a free hand in terms of drawing style.

The illustrators who have contributed are to ‘ODZine’: Olla Boku, C-Vrine, Tiquestar, Kirstin Ulve, Telmo Miel, Meni Tzima, Darrin Umboh, Momo & Sprits, Van data, Zeloot, Kia and Richard Simonse.

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