
Mandy Smith

Craft | Material

British-born artist and allround paper sculptor Mandy Smith operates under the name Papersmith from her studio in Amsterdam.

“In a nutshell I suppose I am a very curious person who loves to work out puzzles. When I first started working with paper I wanted to see what forms I could get it to hold and work out how strong and malleable it could be. So I built a selection of houses contorted into twisted shapes.

I constantly ask questions when working with the material. These have included: Is paper a good material for animating. Is it easy to build things with toilet paper. What happens when we submerge uncoated paper in fluid. Will paper survive being sent 38,000 m into the stratosphere. If you make something out of sandpaper, can you play with people’s perception of touch.

From here I have also explored the meaning of paper. I made a fully functioning interactive paper guillotine that people actually queued up for. From here I was able to learn that paper is a great material to open up discussions on more serious topics and is a great material for illustrating harder topics. This is where ‘No More Cutting’ stemmed from, a project to raise awareness of female genital mutilation.”