Interactive design agency Rhinofly created for visitors of the exhibition ‘Surreële Werelden’ (Surreal Worlds) an experience that matches surrealism: an interactive installation enabling you to go on a voyage of discovery using your brain waves.
Rhinofly: “Sometimes, surrealism is quite weird. Our subconscious clings to reality. To be able to experience surrealism, you should relax and let go of reality. The brain reader measures whether you are focused or relaxed because these conditions affect your journey into the surreal world.”
The brain reader of the installation, entitled ‘Breinreis’ (Brain Trip), is connected with your brain and measures through electroencephalography (EEG) the electrical activity of your brain. If you are relaxed, you will continue traveling. Should the surreal become too much for you, you can stay closer to reality by focusing. Over time, your brain is exhausted and you have to surrender to the surreal world. A unique, shareable travelogue will be made of your brain activity during Brain Trip.