Shams Hazim & Iris Bekkers win Cor Unum Design Contest ‘Grow’

Cor Unum

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The theme of the 11th edition of the Cor Unum Design Contest was Grow. Remarkably, many of the 15 nominees from the 82 entries considered the harmful side of Grow in their designs: concepts such as pollution, climate damage, harmful aspects of the cut flower industry and loss of biodiversity were frequently translated into the designs.

The winning ‘Tower of Babel’ by Shams Hazim & Iris Bekkers (Studio Babel), is a climate-adaptive insect shelter made of 3D printed ceramics. The shelter irrigates surrounding plants, providing food and water in times of drought.

Second prize went to ‘Fruiture’ by Janneke de Lange. Architecture inspired by the shapes of exotic fruits. These porcelain scale models form the basis for her future dream, a botanical garden dedicated to tropical fruits.

Third prize went to ‘Let’s grow’ by Luuk Topper. A personal story about the development of growth for which he designs a watering can with space for a cutting as an integrated ‘backpack’.

The audience award went to ‘Connection Vase’ by Hannah Tops.

Design contest Jury
The permanent jury consists of chairman Mary Hessing (Editor-in-Chief WOTH), Bao Ya Fei (Design Curator), Anne van der Zwaag (Director and owner OBJECT Rotterdam) and Charlotte Landsheer (Director Cor Unum). This year as guest jurors designers Gijs Wouters and Ruben Hoogvliet (Atelier Fig.).

Photos: Cor Unum

Nominees present their work for the jury at Cor Unum
‘Tower of Babel’ by Shams Hazim & Iris Bekkers win Cor Unum Design Contest Grow!

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