The Brouwketel

Mariet Dingemans


Nomination DuPho. SO Award 2021

“I used to fantasise with my friends that we would live in a commune. It never happened and I don’t think I could do it now, especially with a husband and three children. The people from the Brouwketel community can do it. Eight adults, five children and a lot of animals live here together in one farmhouse in Huissen, near Nijmegen. The Brouwketelaars try to live as sustainably as possible. They grow their own fruit and vegetables and share a car with each other. Since March 2019 I have been photographing the Brouwketel. Every time I visit it feels like I step into a totally different world. A world without screens and full agendas. Because of corona, my life went very much back to basics last year. What struck me is that little changed at Brouwketel; back to basic is the daily reality for the Brouwketelaars.”

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