Ventura Lambrate is a platform dedicated to new design trends, concepts, talents, labels, products and experimentations. It is the only curated district of the Salone del Mobile, Milan.
Ventura Lambrate is completely curated and produced by the Dutch agency Organisation in Design, led by Margriet Vollenberg. The event hosts its exhibitions in and around the empty factory buildings that are characteristic for the Lambrate area, an industrial district in the north-eastern suburbs of Milan.
Since 2010, Ventura Lambrate presents contemporary design to a wide professional audience, largely made up by press, buyers, opinion makers, trend setters, producers, dealers, gallery holders, curators, museum directors.
Event ‘Ventura Lambrate’
14-19 April 2015
Daily 10.00-20.00 hours, Sunday 10.00-18.00 hours
Opening: Wednesday 15 April, 20.00-22.00 hours
Via Ventura 5, Milaan
Photos: Claudio Grassi and Ilco Kemmere