Vloed Suit


Fashion | Future concept

Sealevel rise could induce a flood that covers half the Netherlands. Cities that are currently in the east would become coastal towns and a big migration from west to east would probably be initiated. What should you bring in case of such an evacuation? Anouk van de Sande and Vera de Pont interviewed others and themselves to formulate a possible answer to this question, but were quickly confronted with the complexity of it.

Which items do you think you need to protect yourself with? Which items can you live without and which objects are of significant (emotional) value to you? With answers such as ‘a drill’, ‘something inflatable’ and ‘my cows’, it became clear that the things we want and the things we need are very much intertwined. Furthermore, a general understanding of the right choice for a protective fabric seems to go hand in hand with emotional values.

Anouk and Vera were starting to wonder if the government could perhaps shed some light on the issue and started researching proposed emergency packages for flood scenario’s. With a mountain of proposed emergency kits, but only two hits on protective flood wear, the latter seems to be relatively unexplored. The exhibition showcases quotes and snippets from the interviews as well as a brainstorm on a possible protective flood suit.

More AnoukxVera > 06.12.2016  /  11.11.2017 / 01.02.2018

More AnoukxVera


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See all 8 stories of AnoukxVera