Yellow and Lace

Margaret van Bekkum

Fashion & Textile | Spatial | Material

Two remarkable and attractive felt light objects

Margaret van Bekkum made her biggest work: Yellow is the title of the 5.25-meter-long, sunset yellow object of Merino wool with a rolling relief of felt pearls. By presenting it as a light object, the design gets something of a stream of glowing lava.

For the other object called Lace, the designer has devised another traditional way of felting which makes it look like fine-grained lacework. Like a fine cloth, it falls between the pillars, dividing the space into two parts.

Her wool comes from the so-called Heidschnuke, a German sheep breed characterized by dense and long hair growth. The white wool is spread out like a diaphanous little net in a repetitive rhythm. A huge patience and laborious process that ultimately brings a soft, transparent effect. Because in Lace the lighting shines from the inside, the diaphanous structure comes forward in an atmospheric way.

Text by Viveka van de Vliet
Thanks to Connecting the Dots

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