FLAX Chair

Christien Meindertsma

Product | Sustainable design

In cooperation with Label Breed and Enkev, Christien Meindertsma designed a chair made from flax, a crop that does not need much water. Mixing it with polylactide (PLA), a biodegradable plastic made from lactic acid, a new composite is created. The material is cut to rectangular lengths, after which pressure and heat melt the different pattern sections into a shell, front and back legs. Different fibres can be discerned in the chair. The whole plant is represented in the design and as much of the flax plant is used as possible.

Selection Committee
The biodegradable FLAX Chair is made from flax fibre and PLA, two environmentally responsible materials that are (insufficiently) valued according to the committee. Christien Meindertsma’s strong concept has the potential to change this. The fairly basic-looking chair she developed has been manufactured soundly, and produces minimum waste in the design phase. Worthy of mentioning in this project is the role of the new Label Breed, which links designers to the Dutch manufacturing industry.

Dutch Design Awards finalist Product, 2016


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