Under the title ‘Onbeperkt!’ (Unlimited), Yksi Expo has organized an exhibition that shows how creative people are putting their talents to work to turn disabilities into opportunities and possibilities. From assistive equipment for the elderly and disabled (top) athletes to a dyslexia alphabet and a photography project for the blind and visually impaired to rugs that have been woven in collaboration with physically and intellectually disabled people.
Most designers taking part in this exhibition have worked closely with people with impairments; in some cases, it concerns designers with a disability. There are designers who in a narrative, metaphorical way show the power of a disability. Still others do so in a very practical manner. Think, for example, of equipment allowing older people to live at home longer or making it possible for disabled people to play a sport.
The exhibition was set up in collaboration with the ‘goededoelenfonds’ (charity fund) of DELA cooperative.
Exhibition ‘Onbeperkt!’
Yksi Expo, Torenallee 22-04, Eindhoven
through May 2, 2015