WhiteNoiseDada X Afrika Arts Kollective


Product | Craft | International | Social design

The exhibition ‘WhiteNoiseDada’ in Museum Arnhem combines art, design and activism to expose the madness of our consumer society and throwaway culture. In particular, you will discover personal artworks, made from waste glass, that emerged from a project that WhiteNoiseDada carried out with residents of Kampala, Uganda.

In January 2024, Dutch designers Klaas Kuiken and Charley Reijnders from WhiteNoiseDada led a design masterclass with Afrika Arts Kollective in Kampala, Uganda. Working exclusively with waste glass, a challenging material, they asked participants from the impoverished Kyebando neighborhood to design a souvenir. Rather than dictating the design, they asked the participants what story they wanted to share, shaping memories together.

After a month of intensive collaboration, unique designs emerged that reflect the participants’ personal stories. These works, now on display in Museum Arnhem, tell tales of resilience, tradition, and innovation. The accompanying portraits offer insight into the artists’ backgrounds and the vision behind this special project, made by Joshua Victor Semaganda, a young and promising photographer from Kampala.

Afrika Arts Kollective
Afrika Arts Kollective is een Oost-Afrikaans kunstcollectief dat sociale innovatieprojecten organiseert waarin kunstenaars uit verschillende disciplines samenwerken aan maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Gevestigd in Kyebando, een achtergestelde wijk in Kampala, transformeert AAK glasafval tot kansen. Vrouwen reinigen glas dat wordt verzameld bij ambassades en bars, waarna het wordt hergebruikt in artistieke producten.

Tentoonstelling ‘WhiteNoiseDada’
Museum Arnhem
7 January – 16 February, 2025

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