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TU/e Industrial Design www.tue.nl


By 28-12-2020

One Week About – Student Work, Faculty of Industrial Design, TU/e

First year Master project
Charlotte Bording, Jay Kolvenbag and Simone Ooms

The daily routine while working from home is rather different than the ‘normal’ routine people were used to. This brings advantages like saving time that used to be spent traveling but also challenges such as social isolation and keeping study/work-related activities and free time apart.

Bulb’s contribution to a day working from home, now focused on students, is to create moments throughout the day and being a social companion. Bulb does this by going through the day just like his owner had planned, e.g. waking up by wiggling and lighting up slowly, and looking at spots in the room to indicate the current planned activity (such as studying by looking at the laptop). Through these physical social cues, changing its gaze and light, bulb takes on the role of a social companion that guides his owner in separating work and free time activities in a non-intrusive way.