Dutch Design Daily

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Part of a Bigger Plan / Christian Borstlap www.partofabiggerplan.com

Artis Lives

By 04-07-2017

The relationship between man and nature has changed. The new mission and vision of ARTIS arise from this changed relationship. ARTIS wants to distinguish itself by showing the complexity of all life forms and by viewing and displaying nature as a whole. ARTIS does more than just showing a couple of elements of nature, it shows all of its parts – from microbes to planets – as well as the ways in which they complement each other.

The people at ARTIS have asked Christian Borstlap to think along with them about the ways in which they could imaginatively communicate this new mission and vision to the audience, with the film ARTIS LIVES as a result. Borstlap is the co-creator of, among other projects, Artis the Partis and has recently launched the exhibition about Hercules Segers in the Rijksmuseum.

More Part of a Bigger Plan > 11.02.2015  / 20.04.2017