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Current Obsession www.current-obsession.com

Current Obsession

By 01-07-2016

Current Obsession is a young interdisciplinary platform and independent magazine focused on contemporary jewelry in the context of contemporary visual culture. The platform both starts up and searches for shared topics that connect contemporary jewelry with other disciplines and initiate dynamic contemporary jewelry cross-overs and collaborations with the fields of art, design and fashion.

Current Obsession (CO) was founded and funded by a small team of young professionals including Marina Elenskaya (RU), Sarah Mesritz (NL) Anna Hennerdal [SE], Linda Beumer [NL], Kellie Riggs [USA] and Chris van der Kaap [NL]. In 2009, CO started as a blog and has expanded into a website filled with interviews. The first edition of the magazine was launched in 2013 in Munich, Germany.