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Maaike Schuitema & Naomi Jansen www.voedselapotheek.nl

De Voedselapotheek

By 24-09-2017

The Food Pharmacy (Voedselapotheek) is a conceptstore that makes you think. No medicines, but only fresh food is what you will find here. Together with information and insights about what food can do for your health. Perhaps here you will find a remedy for one of your troubles.

In this conceptstore the ingredients are linked to the organ systems of our body. For example, proteins in legumes belong to the muscular system to stimulate recovery after an hour of sports. Based on how you feel and what your body needs, you can choose ingredients that boost your health. Because health is personal and different for everyone.

We see the role of a designer as someone who makes people aware and establishes new connections between different sectors. Our mission as consciousmakers is to connect food, health and design. We want to bring people together who want to think about the food of our future and make it more fun and easy to choose for healthy food.