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Floortje Bijvoet www.floortjebijvoet.com

Driving Dutch Design – Floortje Bijvoet

By 17-08-2022

ONE WEEK ABOUT Driving Dutch Design by curators Patrick Aarts Sen (BNO) and Katja Lucas (DDF)

Driving Dutch Design is the professionalisation and networking programme of ABN AMRO, Beroepsorganisatie Nederlandse Ontwerpers (BNO) and Dutch Design Foundation (DDF) that helps talented designers get started in the world of entrepreneurship. Floortje Bijvoet is one of them.

Floortje Bijvoet designs alternatives for the manufacturing industry focused on consume less. She has a passion for reuse and creating flexible and adaptable solutions. Within her projects she investigates how we can give more meaning to things and possessions. She experiments with new constructions for production processes, use of materials and products, and tries to actively involve users.

The Takkenbank (Branch bench) is a sustainable garden bench that can be built by the user with pruned willow branches. Floortje involves the user in the creation process, stimulates green maintenance, and shows that local waste material can be put to good use.

UTO (Unidentified Transformable Object) is a modular 6-in-1 outdoor furniture. It is a space-saving object that can be playfully adapted to the wishes of the user. As a designer, Floortje Bijvoet finds it a challenge to think up multifunctional objects. In this way, more can be done with less. This not only has advantages in the amount of material needed, but also in the space saved. This is especially useful for people with a small living space.

For more information about the participants, the programme and registration, please visit drivingdutchdesign.nl

Portrait: Danielle Lambinon