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Fysiek Fabriek www.fysiekfabriek.nl

Fysiek Fabriek – Aurore Brard x Lotte de Haan

By 28-12-2021

One Week About The Social Design Lobby, today Fysiek Fabriek

What if you do not have access to resources for independent living? This is a challenge that people with physical disabilities have to face on a daily basis.

Designers Aurore Brard and Lotte de Haan took up this challenge and developed a service and a working method to realise customised aids in co-creation with and for people with a physical disability. Together with the Fokus organisation, their clients, employees and the local network, they have responded to the gap in the provision of aids. They have been working together for almost two years to form a solid basis for this socially scalable innovation.

For example, the makers made a dog food dispenser so that Marieke can reward her assistance dog Bolan herself. Or a self-heating shirt for Bianca, whose body can’t keep its own temperature. Not only is it comfortable for Bianca, it also saves her from having to change her clothes or put on extra layers.

If Lotte and Aurore were to describe themselves in one word, they would choose ‘training wheels’. “We help you on your way with something you can actually do, but don’t dare yet. We design an environment where people feel safe to try something they don’t think they can do. But once they try, they feel so proud that they keep doing it. After a while, the clients realise that they don’t need you any more and that they can – and will – do without you. We are sidewinders with a little flag, by the way! That little flag says: hey there, someone is doing something very special here and it deserves attention!

In the countdown to the new year, we also count down to the start of the Social Design Scheurkalender 2022. The calendar can still be ordered via www.thesocialdesignlobby.com and will be sent to you. The more people tear up, the better the position of social design!
