Dutch Design Daily

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Joni Veizaj www.joniveizaj.nl

‘Dat kan mijn kleine nichtje ook’

By 08-02-2023

Joni Veizaj explored the boundary between tinkering and design in his project ‘Dat kan mijn kleine nichtje ook’ (My little niece can do that too). In this project he researched the positive aspects of tinkering and how he could acquire these in product design.

During his research over the past year, Joni has increasingly turned to the direct translation of children’s drawings into products. Lots of children start of translating their surroundings in a drawing composed of random abstract lines. Joni Veizaj sees these scribbles as the perfect way to cheer up our direct environment. By turning these cheerful child drawings into contemporary design pieces.

In his newer work Joni tries to implement those same doodle lines to create the ornaments for his antique furniture series. This to make the boundary between tinkering and design less clear and involve this joyful esthetic in our living environment.

‘Dat kan mijn kleine nichtje ook’ will be on show during Object Rotterdam
HAKA-gebouw, Rotterdam
10 – 12 February, 2023