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Werkwarenhuis www.werkwarenhuis.nl

Werkwarenhuis as Social Design Lab

By 30-07-2017

ONE WEEK ABOUT Social Design by curator Social label

Studio Boot and C-mone developed the Werkwarenhuis, home base of Social Label, with a design shop, restaurant and a lab function. Petra and Simone are the driving forces behind the creative area development premises Tramkade in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, a transformation of a former factory complex into a venue with a new purpose. Over a period of 10 years, designers, architects, artists (dance, music, visual), the public, craftsmen and people on the sidelines built together a new venue for the city (Gesamtkunstwerk): the Werkwarenhuis, the social design lab of Social label. Here you can see that by means of imagination and communication one can work on an inclusive world in which everyone can participate in one’s own capacity. The significant work is the central point in everybody’s life. We join different public groups in order to learn from one another and we work together with various partners (designers, applied artists, care industry, education, entrepreneurs, managers). The inclusive society is ‘shown how to live’ in the Werkwarenhuis, enabling people not only to see, but also to experience and to feel everything that is possible.